Stuart McCormick
Stuart McCormick
Gender | Male |
Age | 42 |
Hair Color | Brown |
Occupation | Unemployed |
Religion | Roman Catholic |
Father | Grandpa McCormick |
Wife | Mrs. McCormick |
Son | Kenny McCormick |
Son | Kevin McCormick |
Daughter | Karen McCormick |
Voiced by | Matt Stone |
First Appearance | Death |
Stuart McCormick is an out-of-work alcoholic who frequently abuses his wife. He is Kenny, Karen and Kevin's dad.
His first appearance is in the episode Death where he is called Mr. McCormick and after that is launched against the Cartoon Central building in protest against Terrance and Philip on TV.
Stuart wears a red cap with the word 'Scotch' embroided on it. He wears an old blue shirt with sewed on patches and stains on it. He also wears old blue jeans with a chain attached to them.
Stuart is unemployed most of the time. He mentions in The Red Badge of Gayness that he has to get back to his job. In the episode Chickenpox, Mrs. McCormick mentions his unemployment. His wife also mentions in Best Friends Forever that he's a dead-beat with no job. Most recently in South Park: The Stick of Truth when Douchebag talks to him he will reply "Shit, I gotta get to work!". Currently he is employed.
Memorable Quotes
- "Lord, on this day of thanks, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude for this incredible bounty of green beans you have bestowed upon us. And though for some reason you found it necessary to take our son from us, and though you for some reason find pleasure in watching us suffer, still, we give thanks. Amen." Starvin Marvin
- "We don't have a Nintendo. We got a ColecoVision hooked up to the black-and-white TV." Chicken Pox
- "Lord, we thank you for this staggering payload of frozen waffles you have bestowed upon us. And since we have been faithful to you, we know that you will send us some good fortune one of these days, even though you sure as hell seem to be taking your sweet time. Amen." Chicken Pox
- "When your UnElmplyed Weekends are meaningless" Chicken Pox
- "Kenny wasn't that your fat Racist Foul Mouthed Friend Eric Cartman." SpookyFish
- "Don't touch me! I've had my nuts broken, body poisoned, have been made love to in the ass by three dozen 40-year-old men—I just wanna go home and take a, a hot bath!" Cartman Joins NAMBLA
- "Awe Hell I can still drink" Cartman Joins Nambla
- "Well, seeing as though Kenny passed away, maybe we should name him ah,... Kenny. Cartman Joins NAMBLA
- "This has gotta be the 50th time this has happened" Cartman Joins Nambla
- "Uh boys Kenny died last December, don't you remember." A Ladder to Heaven
- "Sit down Ger Ger." South Park is Gay
- " Hey Jefey. You want some cerveiza? " South Park is Gay
- "I'm white trash and im in trouble." The Poor Kid
- "Our Wives are our lives , Mr.UPS man!" Insecurity
- "What the Hell is he wearing now!" Titties and Dragons
- "Oh Jesus it's begun." Handicar
- "It's a lot a natural..." The Magic Bush
Close Friends
Alter Egos
Featured Episodes
- Death (s01e06)
- Starvin Marvin (s01e09)
- Chickenlover (s02e04)
- Chickenpox (s02e10)
- Spooky Fish (s2e16)
- Red Badge Of Gayness (03e14)
- Cartman Joins NAMBLA (s04e06)
- Cripple Fight (s05e02)
- Kenny Dies (s05e13)
- Ladder To Heaven (s06e12)
- South Park Is Gay (s07e08)
- Best Friends Forever (s09e04)
- More Crap (s11e07)
- Mysterion Rises (s14e12)
- Coon Vs. Coon & Friends (s14e13)
- The Poor Kid (s15e14)
- I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining (s16e08)
- Insecurity (s16e09)
- Informative Murder Porn (s17e02)
- Titties and Dragons (s17e09)
- HandiCar (s18e04)
- The Magic Bush (s18e05)
- Cock Magic (s18e08)
- Stunning and Brave (s19e01)
- Where My Country Gone? (s19e02)
- The City Part of Town (s19e03)
- Naughty Ninjas (s19e07)
- Sons of Witches (s20e06)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
In the The Fractured But Whole Stuart plays no significant role. In the beginning of the game if you travel to Mysterion’s house you can find him looking for his kids’ lost cat. On the second night of the game, when following Toolshed to Mysterion’s home, inside we can Stuart and his Wife yelling at each other and getting high. After the night if you visit there again he’s sitting on the couch drinking a beer and you’re now able to follow him on Coonstigram.
Bonus Factoids
- His name is sometimes spelled "Stewart" in the scripts.
- He claims to hold a job in South Park: The Stick of Truth, “Oh, shit! I gotta get to work!â€
- In South Park is Gay his usual red hat changes to a white visor with 'fabulous' written on it.